Betting Tip: Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr

When Conor McGregor steps into the boxing ring to face Floyd Mayweather on August 26th in Las Vegas, most of the world will be keeping an eye on the fight to see how things unfold.

It is arguably the biggest sporting event of the year and the spectacle is set to gain even further interest from fans and non-fans alike as the date grows nearer. They world tour has done its job and now all that is left is the serious business; a boxing match.

Who will come out on top – Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather or Conor ‘The Notorious’ McGregor? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – it’s set to be an epic event.

Mayweather’s form

He has been retired for two years, but that shouldn’t disguise Mayweather’s brilliance. The man has been a world champion in five different weight classes and he has also been at the top of the boxing game for 21 years.

He also holds a record of 49 wins and zero losses and has adapted his game to suit his changing skillset as he got older. In short, Floyd Mayweather is up there with the greatest boxers that have ever lived and his form is always outstanding.

McGregor’s form

If you are looking at this in purely boxing form, then Conor McGregor is 0-0. There is no recent form to assess, because he has never had a professional bout. It is crazy to think that the best boxer in recent times is facing a man who has never stepped into the ring professionally.

Pic. Conor McGregor / Source: RoidRanger,

On the other hand, McGregor’s MMA form is outstanding. He steamrolled Eddie Alvares to become the only man to hold two UFC World Championships at once at UFC 205. He also sparked Jose Aldo with a vicious left fist to pick up the first of those. The man can clearly fight – what is not clear is how well he can fight in a boxing ring.


The build-up to this fight has had its fair share of headlines. From rumours of McGregor being knocked out in training, to Mayweather stating that he is not the fighter that he used to be.

The pair went on a world tour across four cities and it was just as explosive as you might imagine. It’s a miracle that the fight didn’t break out well before the August 26th fight-date. One particular hairy moment came when McGregor rubbed Mayweather’s head – it almost ended in a mass brawl.

Betting tips

We can only envisage one outcome in this fight and it isn’t good news for the Irishman. Floyd Mayweather is quite simply a step above McGregor. In fact, he is probably quite a few steps above Conor McGregor.

Ladbrokes Odds Conor vs Floyd
Fig. Ladbrokes Odds for Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr

The MMA fighter has never even competed in this sport. This fight is the equivalent of asking Michael Phelps to race a triathlon swimmer; there can only be one winner and that is the person who has dedicated their whole life to the specialty.

Money Mayweather is priced at 12/1 to knock McGregor out in the sixth round and we think this is a good bet. McGregor will have tired by then and we expect the boxer’s knowhow to shine through.