LA Galaxy - San Jose Earthquakes Betting Tip, Prediction & Odds

We evaluate relevant statistics and the current form of both teams and give you an informed LA Galaxy and San Jose Earthquakes Betting Tip. The expertise of our sports betting editors will help you find the best odds and win your bet! This exclusive betting tip with the best odds for the match LA Galaxy vs San Jose Earthquakes contains statistics, analysis and an informed prediction for the match outcome.
LA Galaxy LogoL (1 - 3)L (2 - 0)W (2 - 0)L (2 - 3)L (3 - 0)
StubHub Center
San Jose Earthquakes LogoW (2 - 1)D (2 - 2)L (3 - 1)W (3 - 0)D (1 - 1)
7/81X2Visit Unibet#ad | T&C's apply | +18
3/11X2Visit William Hill#ad | T&C's apply | +18
13/51X2Visit bet365#ad | T&C's apply | +18
Expert Tip Double Chance X2 19/20 Visit William Hill#ad | T&C's apply | +18

Odds comparison for the duel between LA Galaxy and San Jose Earthquakes

 ProbabilityLA Galaxy33%Draw26%San Jose Earthquakes41%888sport Logo10/1129/1028/11Odd last updated: bet365 Logo10/113/113/5Odd last updated: Unibet Logo10/1129/1028/11Odd last updated: William Hill Logo10/1114/55/2Odd last updated:

Direct comparison of the two teams

LA Galaxy FormColorado Rapids has played against LA Galaxy in their last match 1 - 3.In the last 6 months, the team has played 10 games. 1 of those matches ended with a win. The won 1 of 5 home matches.In the last month the team has scored a total of 8 goals. That's an average of 0.8 goals per game.
San Jose Earthquakes FormSan Jose Earthquakes played Los Angeles FC in their last match 2 - 1.In the last 6 Months, San Jose Earthquakes has won a total of number of 5 matches and took 2 losses. Add to that 3 draws.On average, San Jose Earthquakes's goal rate in the last month is exactly 1.5 goals per game. So in total, fans got to cheer 15 times about a goal.
Last MeetingsSan Jose EarthquakesLA Galaxy09/25/20222-3LA GalaxySan Jose Earthquakes07/14/20222-3LA GalaxySan Jose Earthquakes08/21/20211-2San Jose EarthquakesLA Galaxy06/27/20211-3

Betting tip from our experts for the match LA Galaxy vs San Jose Earthquakes

For the upcoming match between LA Galaxy and San Jose Earthquakes, our expert tip is to bet on an Double Chance, with William Hill offering odds of 19/20 on this outcome. Based on our analysis and pre-match statistics, this market comes with a probability of 67%. Best Tip Double Chance X219/20Place bet#ad | T&C's apply | +18
All of our tips are based on both detailed analysis and expert knowledge, while our writers also use their personal opinion in order to back particular markets. Of course, we do not guarantee success when it comes to placing bets, however our tips provide all the necessary information required in order to make judgements on major events. As always, it is crucial to bet responsibly at all times, while all prices mentioned are at the time of the article having been written. As a result, odds are likely to fluctuate, with punters recommended to check prices in full before placing any bets.